
Minimum Wage

Things just got worse... Rage, rage against the lying of the right!

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The Underneath

The prairie is on fire. Endangered species are on the run. There is only one place to hide... The Underneath. As human history reverses itself, metaphysical challenges and planetary geological instability force us to ask tough questions, to look for answers where none can be found. Perhaps it is time to retreat and consider other options...

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Red Eye

Finally on board, settle into the long red eye ahead, close your eyes as the sun sets and lights dim and sleep sets in, Rapid Eye Movement on a journey through spacetime, a dream world all its own... And, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

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Bhangra Bang Bang

Bhangra (Punjabi: ਭੰਗੜਾ) is a type of traditional folk dance of Punjab area of the Indian subcontinent. Bhangra is especially associated with the vernal Vaisakhi festival. This is an abstract interpretation, a tribute and a surreal journey to that expansive realm of amazing music...

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Sippin' n Trippin'

Freedom is never free, one cannot measure, weigh or tally up its cost. If there is no tomorrow, then there never was a today... because good things don't come to those that wait. Time beckons us all, into infinity, that last step... wherever you go, there you are...

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Piggy Jazz

Having visited Belgium recently and more specifically, the Magritte Museum in Brussels, this pithy jazz nugget is dedicated to that museum and the wonderful people of Belgium, who enjoy a great historical sense of the absurd and they love jazz! To see out 2024, this video is an (hopefully) humourous tribute to René Magritte and surrealism in general...

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Blood and Gold

The recent US election made me think of the Old West, that idealized dream world of mostly fictional heroes and villains, memories fixed as truth by years of watching Hollywood movies. We now enter a new era, where ALL is fictional and the 'truth' delivered to us is parsed, par-boiled and plucked apart from the cold reality we knew and the warmth we hoped for. Spiro Agnew's remarks (from the Vietnam War) seem eerily appropriate for today...

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Tears In Rain

"When there's rain from the sky you can't see my tears... I try to hide all the pain so you can't see my tears..."

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The Lost Kingz

The world is a rollercoaster, on a never-ending track, forever careening towards armageddon, but never quite getting there, leaving us to lean left or right at every sudden corner, anxious on the climbs and terrified on the descents, we long for sleep and dream of a life long ago...

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Death On The Installment Plan

The on going retaliatory wars of the Middle East inspired me to revisit the works of the great and controversial French author Louie-Ferdinand Céline, especially "Journey To The End Of The Night'' and "Death On The Installment Plan", where he explores the themes of survival in a hostile world.

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Brasso Maximo

It's an underground jungle nightclub from a surreal Wind in the Willows world, one that even Mr. Badger never heard of. This jazz palace was created using Midjourney constructed players, a tinkering with AI stills, as it were. Wally Jericho adds his unique spice to the mix, blowing surreal and punchy lines throughout this wonderful performance...

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The Drum Is A Reverberant Mother

"Drum and Bass tableaus percolate abstractly across time and space, in Dj fezzbone's latest opus, speculation replacing recognition on this joyous ride of serendipity." Lawrence R. Woodsman

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Summer has arrived! And despite all the chaos, confusion and desperation in this world, joy rises in song and voices ring out - life is now! Grab it while you can! Together we can overcome...

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The Techno Feudal

Channelling the cynicism of Mark E. Smith and the writings of Yanis Varoufakis (author of the electrifying book "Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism"), it's time we opened our eyes to our ever changing world, and to the one that has already changed, but not necessarily for the better. For more information check out the many great lectures, podcasts & interviews on Yanis Varoufakis' YouTube channel / @yanisvaroufakis

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The Pleasure And The Pain

Love is blind they say. Sure can be. Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett star in this film noire vignette of infatuation, unrequited love, betrayal and murder. Vocal by Toledo, music by Dj fezzbone with vintage footage from director Fritz Lang (1945).

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Ghost Town Jah Tinking Dub

"No faith, no dreams, no chance, no means, they fade into the darkness of the cold, cold and endless night..." Jah is tinking, dis is a ghost town, a rub-a-dub sound, a fire burns it down, dis bad boy crown, now de dominate noun... and away downtown de clowns frown at sundown... There are worlds within worlds within worlds.

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The Sun Keeps Shining

Despite insurrection, revolution, counter-revolution or coup d'etat, and regardless of propaganda, cyber attacks or the hacking skills of government agents, the world continues to turn and the sun keeps shining...

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Dark Spring

A short walk around a beautiful lake invites the walker into a waking dream, a shimmering reality where awareness and thought collide, a Dark Spring where we dream about what we want or what we are afraid of...

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Fall of the Titans

"Stop, I want to jump off the world!" "There's no sacrifice too great for a chance at immortality..." "Failure is not an option..." "In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods, they ruled their universe with absolute power." "This is no democracy, it is a dictatorship." "Let's not waste time with maudlin musings on the inevitability of decline..." "Memories are dangerous in the wrong hands, even if they are beautiful."

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Go Funk Yourself

A message to politicians and the obtuse; another work of dadaist tableaus and back-handed social commentary in an absurd world addicted to sound bites that shape our souls and the society of violence that surrounds us...

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Saint Sisyphus

Evil king Sisyphus twice tricked the gods and cheated Death, only to have Zeus deal him the eternal punishment of forever rolling a boulder up a hill. Albert Camus recognized the existential meaningless of life in Sisyphus's fate, but hoped he could still find happiness. We have turned Sisyphus into a saint, happy in the ignorance of our chains. But the gods are faltering, it's time to recognize and throw off our chains...

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Broken Flowers

The word of the year for 2023 should be 'disappointment'. Disappointment in our politicians and in our governments, disappointment in world leaders and greedy corporations, disappointment in well monied world wide green washing PR campaigns and outright lies at international climate conferences, disappointment in hurtful viral social media blind to what is actually happening on the streets of our world and disappointment in those neighbours who look the other way...

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Blind Ambition

An ode and a view to a kill, the death of introspection, a headlong dive into entropy, the widening breach of civilization, grab what you can while you can and don't look back !

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Coversations With Trees

Most imagery for this video was shot at Windy Lake outside of Sudbury, Ontario, on Lake Erie near Turkey Point and in/around Toronto and Vancouver during weeks of very strong summer winds. The music came next, growing from a quiet ambient solitude into quite something else. Layer upon layer, diffusing colour and shifting time, almost any frame of this video can be taken as an abstract painting. Thanks to throat singers DJ Griffin & Bruno Alfonso and MC Mushino for vocals...

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Drone Bone Moan

In an age of greed and hyper capitalism, where nothing matters more than money, it's good to be reminded of the unfairness of our current economic systems, where so much is owned by so few and the vast majority is left to our own devices for survival...

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