
Hurtin' n' Hollerin' 2024

Gosh, darn, heck Jed! Forget about brawlin', scufflin' or feudin' - them's fightin' words!

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The Beast of 2023

Twelve months of tumult and vertigo, of greed and absent revulsion, of resignation and isolation. Dig in, sit up, take notice and look to the future...

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Hurtin' n' Hollerin' 2023

"A man and a woman sit on a rock halfway up the slope of a desert mountain. The air is still, caught in the pause between the heat of the day and the cool of the evening. Downslope a rattlesnake slides from its dark den, yellow eyes aglow with hunger and death in its glance." Edward Abbey

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The Best of 2022

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was an epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." - Charles Dickens

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Hurtin' n' Hollerin' 2022

A summery collection of low down, ho down, high camp, country-esque escapes from the real world...

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Best of 2021

Selections of the soundtrack of our lives from 2021, a year that will live on in infamy...

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Hurtin' n' Hollerin' 2021

More songs from the open range during the second summer of Covid...

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Best of 2020

Some of DJ Fezzbone's faves from the year that Covid first hit

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Hurtin' n' Hollerin' 2020

Bittersweet melodies and heart wrenching chords...

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Best of 2019

A roller coaster of ups and downs, ins and outs, loud and soft, from rock to chill jazzy vibes...

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Hurtin' n' Hollerin' 2015 - 2019

5 disc collection rolled into one long, rollicking playlist, perfect for long summer drives or chilling by the fire...

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Best of 2018

The year that was and shall never be again!

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Peter's Playlist

In memory of Peter Goodwin, a playlist of all the hits from our misspent youth and our other times together, they were the best of times... 70's, 80's, 90's and beyond...

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Rod's Last Call Playlist

The last playlist of Rod Flavell... his perennial faves and one off hits of the past, present and future. You are missed my friend!

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